- Integration with the Hospital Order Entry system will provide Modality Worklist distribution to the echo machine, allowing the operator to easily set up and start the case.
- Echo images and loops, as well as measurements performed on the echo machine during the examination, are captured during the procedure and securely stored to the ComPACS archive.
- After the echo examination, the study is immediately available in ComPACS for the physician to review, analyze and report the study.
- ComPACS provides a comprehensive Pediatric Echo Cardiovascular analysis module, which allows for in-depth off line analysis for a fully automated and complete digital workflow.
- ComPACS Echo analysis supports all echo imaging modes : 2D, M-Mode, PW and CW Doppler, Color Flow, TDI and Coronary Flow Reserve.
- ComPACS also stores vendor proprietary raw data and integrates with third party advanced analysis tools such as Philips QLAB, GE EchoPAC or Siemens eSie Apps.
- ComPACS automatically computes Z-Scores for the main clinical parameters.
- Advanced measurements can be performed from anywhere via intranet or a remote secure internet connection.
- All anatomically specified measurements automatically populate into the report worksheet and final document to save you time and eliminate potential transcription errors.
- The system keeps track of the graphical tracing and exact image and frame position of where each measurement is taken, for quality or trial auditing purposes.
- ComPACS echo reporting provides a comprehensive set of predefined pediatric structured findings, allowing the physician to simply click on anatomic tabs, and then selecting the desired function and/or pathology check boxes to complete the narrative content of a report quickly and easily.
- Both Analysis and Reporting can be fully customized to meet your specific workflow needs, with user defined measurements and structured findings.
- Streamlines workflow by enabling physicians to view, complete and sign echo reports from the hospital, office or home.
- Using the Echo structured reporting tool enables confirmed and electronically signed reports to be automatically routed directly to the HIS/EMR, making the Echo report generated in ComPACS directly available in the electronic patient journal as a document.